Yesterday, I held my first informal community consultation about the proposed Mt Piper reactor in Lithgow.

I heard a range of views - from strongly opposed, to quite a few needing more information, and also those in support.

A clear message was that locals don’t want this issue to divide the community. They want respectful communications and a chance to make informed opinions.

It really highlighted the need to get as much information on this proposal as possible.

The community can’t be expected to make an informed choice on this issue if there’s no consultation and the community simply doesn’t have the facts. Its leaders can’t be expected to either.

The NSW National Party members for Bathurst and also Upper Hunter are asking many of the same questions that I and many other community members are asking. They are all very reasonable questions.

If National Party MPs (insiders) are not onboard with the reactor policy because they don’t have the necessary details how can anyone else be expected to be?

The contradictory statements from the deputy leader and leader of the Nationals, about whether communities will be forced to accept a reactor if they don’t want one, have just added to community confusion on the ground.

Getting the details on this is vital so that we can have a respectful and informed community discussion.

For those who have asked, I’m not ideologically opposed to nuclear power. I’ve had the benefits of nuclear medicine scans and I continue to support the AUKUS submarines.

However, we really need specific information so that we can all fully understand what is proposed for our communities and have certainty about what the impacts will be.

Thank you to everyone who has contacted my office and those who met with me at the Workies yesterday! I’ll arrange another informal consultation soon and will also post an updated issues list when I can!

Ellie Frazer