This morning on Sydney radio the Leader of the Nationals David Littleproud made two false and untrue statements about me.


These were that I have “come out against nuclear energy” and also that I am “against the nuclear power plant at Lithgow.”


This is not the case.


As I’ve stated, I am not against nuclear power and never have been.


I have had the benefit of nuclear medicine scans, and continue to support the AUKUS nuclear-powered submarine program.


Since the announcement last week, what has become very clear is that we need specific information so that we can all fully understand what is proposed for our communities and have certainty about what the impacts will be.


Getting the details and questions answered on this is vital so that we can have a respectful and informed community discussion, and all make up our minds.


This is exactly what Lithgow City Council has called for and also the state Member for Bathurst, Paul Toole who said, “the announcement lacks detail and has raised more questions than answers”. He also asked: “is it reality or is it fiction?”


If National Party MPs who are insiders are not on-board with the policy because they don’t have the necessary information, how can anyone else be expected to?


The statement from the Deputy Leader of the Nationals Perin Davey that “if a community is absolutely adamant [against a reactor] then we will not proceed” which was then contradicted by David Littleproud who said “no she’s not correct” has only added to confusion.


On the weekend, I started my first informal community consultation on this issue in Lithgow and I will be holding many more in the area.


The polling I have carried out so far is on the ground in the Lithgow area and from what I can tell, there is already strong division between those supporting a reactor and those opposing it, with a heap of people in the middle asking for more details and information.


The community can’t be expected to make an informed choice on this issue if there’s no consultation and the community simply doesn’t have the facts. Its leaders can’t be expected to either.


Instead of spreading falsehoods and fakery, David Littleproud should front the people of the Lithgow area, explain his policy and answer legitimate community questions. It’s not too much to ask.




Media contact: Sinéad Fogarty – 0417 852 386

Ellie Frazer