I’m very pleased that the Federal Government has pledged a further $50 million to disaster relief and support in the Central West, matching the commitment of the NSW Government. It means there is now a combined state/federal funding package of $100 million.

For local communities to wait a year for this funding while other disaster-hit parts of the state got immediate help has been both scandalous and shameful, but at least it has finally arrived.

It should never have taken this long, but better late than never.

One of the reasons I left the National Party was its failure to rollout this support when it had the chance to do so.

This announcement follows almost twelve months of pressure for proper funding from me through speeches, meetings, and questions in Question Time in Parliament, and also from the community. With the anniversary of the disaster under a week away, this is a win for people power and our communities.

$40 million of the joint funding has been allocated for housing with community consultation to determine how it is to be spent. The community feedback has been clear that residents need help with the cost of rebuilding, particularly in the face of widespread insurance knockbacks. I would also expect to see it go towards home buy-backs, house raising and flood protection for homes.

Decisions now need to be made quickly to get this funding out the door and into the hands of residents around our region who need it. Time is of the essence. The year-long delay in announcing this support and the high number of insurance claim rejections mean many residents have already gone into debt to help pay for rebuilding work.

I was in Eugowra this week and many people were so disillusioned with governments that they didn’t believe any more funding would actually reach them. They have waited long enough for help and there can be no excuses for any more delays.

Next week’s anniversary will be a time of sad and solemn reflection. With that tragic milestone in sight, I hope that this funding will help give the recovery and reconstruction effort continuing momentum because there’s still a long way to go.

I’d like to thank Phil Donato and our communities for working collaboratively with me on this issue, as well as the state and federal governments for delivering the funding.

After learning of this announcement, I became aware that Wellington has not been included. I have raised this with Minister for Emergency Management Murray Watt who has agreed to examine that issue for us.


Media Contact: Sinead Fogarty – 0417 852 386

Ellie Frazer